Monday, November 26, 2007

Letter Concerning Lori Drew

Here is the letter I sent to MO people concerning Megan Meier. I typed it out and its going out today. The lady who was behind this MySpace prank is named Lori Drew. She has a blog on here trying to excuse herself out of this by blaming Megan. How low can she sink???( Yes, a grown woman created this and sent this child over the edge. What does this say about our society? Anyway, I sent this letter out today to the Sheriffs Department, District Attorney and House Representative in that area. If you wish to have this info, please email me and will gladly share it.

Hi, my name is Elizabeth Bennett and am sending this concerning theMegan Meier and Lori Drew situation in your area.I am enclosing a copy of a blog this woman, Lori Drew, hassupposedly started on the internet. I will just get to the point here. WHY is this woman still walking the streets free as a bird? This is someone who is not well mentally yet the press was willing to protect her privacy. Her actions are what sent Megan over the edge. Yet, Lori is not charged with anything and expresses no remorse towards this. Word has it that she saw Megan's mother in a store and asked her to stop talking to the press. I hope Mrs. Meier speaks to the press from now until Kingdom Come! There is no justice here! None! This woman, a woman of consent went on the internet, setup a bogus Myspace account with a bogus boy named "Josh". The reasonshe did it? Because she wanted to see what was being said about her own daughter? My gosh, this is a grown woman with a family! A member of the Chamber Of Commerce! What does this say about the mentality of your community? The Meier family is charged for destroying a foosball table yet Mrs. Drew is charged with absolutely NOTHING? All she does is put up some sorry excuse of a blog blaming MEGAN for this??

Needless to say, the Anti-bullying Community is in an uproar over this. There is no justice in this and this woman should be charged with murder. Are you aware of the dangers of Peer Abuse? That's right PEER ABUSE. This is bullying with a clinical term for it. Its high time you all get an education on this. Lori Drew is nothing more than a sociopath and by allowing her to roam the streets freely, all you are doing is enabling criminal behavior. Please, lets see justice be served. Justice for Megan! Have a good day.

Regards,Elizabeth Bennett, M.Ed

I left my land mail and phone numbers where they can find me. I amnot putting them up on a public board though. I hope they arebombarded with letters. This case has burned me to the core.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Megan, MySpace hoax and Peer Abuse

Okay, I have been reading about this MySpace hoax the past couple of days. I am getting it in email, reading it here......everyone is shocked beyond belief that this could happen. Yeah, how could anadult even think of participating in this? Whats more....she takes very little if any responsibility for her actions in this and offers no apology and wants Megans family to "stop all of this".You know....I have to say it. I am not surprised in the least that this woman has reacted as she has. No, she has no remorse and shewas probably just "playing a joke. Gosh, can't ANYONE TAKE A JOKE????" Her behavior does not surprise me in the least. Afterall, aren't we a society that enables this? Follows this? Sets the tone for this? American Idol is the perfect example. Simon Cowell makes fun of a disabled boy. Its excused because "Its the business so yeah, Simon is justifiable". You know what? Tony Bennett and DollyParton are BOTH in the business and BOTH have publicially stated that they want nothing to do with this show because it is too mean. Simon even told Tony that its about money and as long as he is happy and getting the green, who cares? Yet this is so acceptable and his behavior is wonderful.

In our society, if you are sensitive and considered a "wimp" or "weak". You are considerate and actually CONCERNED about someone and you "worry about what others think of you." If you vent and actually talk to someone about your thoughts, feelings and frustrations you are considered a "whiner and nobody wants to hear it or feels sorry for you so grow up..blah blah". People drop one another like dropping a leaf. Dropping a book. If people are not as we want them to be or do not conform to certain behaviors, we are considered "problems". We live amongst one another and could careless how we treat one another. Its "justifiable". Last night, I accidently hit the wrong button on the television and my mother went off on me. IT WAS AN ACCIDENT!!!!! Yet, the yelling came. There is no room for error. No room for compassion. No room for acceptance. No room for a person to be themselves. And you know what?? It gets to be too hard to live up to after a while. These kids are being taught this and are killing one another. Its my generation that are raising kids today. It is our generation that started spitting on each other, stepping on one another, physically hurting each other, emotionally killing each other, having no regard for one another, setting each other on fire etc. True, not everyone in our generation was peer abused, however, those of us that were are aware of how horrible people can be. Yet we saw these same people get away with their crap. This brings me to this parent. My guess (but I do not know) is that this woman is amongst my generation, abused her peers growing up and got away with it. Now, she is caught, yet she is protected as her name is annonymous and you know what?? She should have been charged with first degree murder yet she is walking. Again, the bully gets away with it. Her daughter should be punished but this woman should be locked up. She is a sociopath for crimeney sakes! Okay, I have never evaluated her but a child killed herself over her actions and she has yet to apologize?? Avoid responsibility, twist words and events and hey! Its all good. No, its not all good, its sick! Very sick and angers me that she is getting off scott free in this. So is her daughter.

Lets get real....we are a society that caters to pathological behavior. We excuse it. We punish the victims. Nobody thought about how this would affect Megan. Never mind she was peer abused and on meds and her psyche was fragile. No, that does not matter. All that matters is that Megan cannot take a joke more than likely. Yeah, that is probably her excuse. Someone is emotional, they are too sensitive. You know, I am PROUD to be sensitive. PROUD that I cry. PROUD that I get hurt by conflict. It makes me compassionate, caring and to actually give a damn about my fellow man. If something is wrong with this, well, time to evaluate society and what it brings to the table. Also, it makes me a good friend. I support my friends, listen to them when they hurt, help them when they need it and never turn my back on them because they "say this" or "do that". The only time they get shown the door is when they get abusive. And I have the wisdom now to know the difference. I will NOT be peer abused! NO!!!!

Okay, this rant probably makes NO sense but its how I feel. It angers me that this woman is getting away with this. It angers me that she has not apologized to Megans family. It angers me that she takes no responsibility. Most important, it angers me that the media is protecting who she is. I am probably coming off as judgemental but oh well.....I am angry and this story has made me think about all of this. There is NO EXCUSE yet we, as society, excuse it. We want everyone to conform to one way of thinking. We want to forget that we have compassion, love and sensitivity in others. We just want to be mean and target people. Hurt them. Make them "grow up". Frankly, anyone who is in tune with these aspects of themselves aremore grown up than any grown up will ever be. Again, this is my own opinion.

Anyway, I had to vent.....somewhere. I will continue to hold on to my beliefs. Because I have some darned good qualities that folks like this hoax woman will never have. As for her, shes pathetic .Makes me wanna barf......GRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!! If you read this far, thanks. I know this makes no sense but to me, these are conclusions I have drawn from this. As long as we "adore Simon and his cruelty", hide this womans name as she is too much of a coward and own up to this.....well, what else can we say?? Also, I hope this did not offend anyone. Its the woman I am angry at, not anyon eelse. Its sick......yet acceptable. What else can I say????

Monday, November 05, 2007

Peer Abuse Newsletter

Hi, the Peer Abuse Newsletter for November 2007 is out. Visit and feel free to sign up. Its free, goes out only 4 times a year, all contact info is kept private and you can unsubscribe at any time. If you wish for me to sign you up, email me at .

Have a good day,
Elizabeth Bennett

Thursday, October 11, 2007


Hi, I am writing this as I am aware of the school shooting that occurred at Success Tech Academy in Cleveland, Ohio yesterday. The shooters name was Asa Coon and he murdered four students and then turned the gun on himself.
Now, I must ask…..WHY do people continue to turn a blind eye to the fact that this child was bullied? No, not bullied but Peer Abused? Bullying IS abuse; its Peer Abuse and is Americas dirtiest little secret as far as I am concerned. From what I understand, this boy was teased and abused by his peers in school. I also heard he had a rough home life. What bothers me is this child repeatedly asked for help but everyone turned a blind eye. Yeah, “ignored him and hoped it would all go away”. Boy, isn’t that standard excuse getting stale?
Folks, its time to get real. I do not mean “put a pretty pink bow on top of a beautifully wrapped gift” here. This whole “Breakfast At Tiffany’s” attitude makes me want to puke. We have a serious problem on our hands. Kids are killing each other every day yet we turn a blind eye. After all, why report on these harsh realities when we can waste our time reporting on Britney Spears and every move she makes! What does this say about us? Our society? Well, while society remains in denial and continues to support Britney Spears and her problems, I am here daily working to try and raise the awareness of the fact that Peer Abuse is a serious problem in our society. I was bullied for 27 years and I know exactly what this does to a person. I am clinically depressed, socially anxious and still have post traumatic stress from this. But you know what? At least I am doing something about it. And its time for the rest of society to do the same. We take child, sexual, domestic and elder abuse seriously, why are we not talking Peer Abuse seriously? Its not just “stealing milk money” any longer but a serious problem. As adults, we should be protecting children, not enabling them to kill one another. By turning a blind eye, that is exactly what we do!
For the love of GOD, please check out my book entitled “Peer Abuse Know More! Bullying From A Psychological Perspective” and another good one entitled “Bullycide In America: Moms Speak Out” and learn some harsh realities of what this problem is doing to our children and to our society as a whole. Please visit to learn more about both of these books. You WILL get a good, honest education from both. These children are our future and as long as we ignore this and excuse it, we are only making things worse.
Let me leave you with this thought: Peer Abuse is an ADULT problem because as adults, we allow it to continue”. Just chew on that for a spell….
My sincere condolences to all family, friends and loved ones who were directly affected by this recent tragedy. You all remain in my prayers. None of you deserved this, none of you!
Have a good evening,
Elizabeth Bennett
“Peer Abuse Know More! Bullying From A Psychological Perspective”

Monday, October 08, 2007

New book "Peer Abuse Know More! Bullying From A Psychological Perspective" serves up a radical new perspective on a timeless टोपिक
September 17, 2007 --- Is bullying an acceptable childhood rite of passage or a form of potentially severe abuse?"Bullying is Peer Abuse," insists author Elizabeth Bennett। "Bullying has long been accepted as a normal part of growing up, but everything changed after Columbine। After one of the greatest school massacres in American history, people began to realize how severe the danger can be, but parents and educators are often at a loss as to how to cope with it।"Peer Abuse Know More! introduces the reader to the term ‘Peer Abuse’ and gives insight into the psychological make-up of both victims and bullies। What are the possible consequences of tolerating peer abuse? Victims may develop problems such as depression or Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and Social Anxiety Disorder। Bullies may develop personality issues such as narcissistic and anti-social personality disorders। What is the perfect Anti-Bullying Law? What is the effect on adult survivors? A 20-point questionnaire for Adult Survivors of Peer Abuse is included.About the Author: Elizabeth Bennett is an adult survivor of over 27 years of peer abuse, has developed her work and made a mission of educating others on this serious and complex problem.

# # # # Contact Elizabeth Bennett 213-388-8939
Infinity Publishing-ISBN 0-7414-3265-X-$13.95 retail